- Flipover
- Screen/monitor
- Sound system
- Universal design
- Whiteboard
- Wireless network
- Carpeted floors
The façade of the Hotel Bristol conceals one of Oslo’s most comprehensive and modern congress halls with adjoining seminar rooms and exhibition areas. We offer everything from small meeting rooms in the Bristol Conference Centre to large congress halls and distinguished function rooms. Our professional conference management team will ensure the success of your event, whatever the scale or occasion.
Meeting rooms in the Bristol Meeting Centre.
Meeting rooms in the Bristol Meeting Centre.
Herskapelig festsal med klassisk innredning, rosetter og lysekroner i taket og utsmykninger og lysestaker på veggene. Et ypperlig valg for en mindre bryllupsfeiring, jubileum eller julebord.
Lokalene våre egner seg godt for selskaper, kick-off, pressekonferanser, messer, utstillinger og andre små og store eventer.
Our fantastic menu is based on seasonal ingredients and includes both international and Norwegian dishes.